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Who is General American investors company?

Investment management since 1927. For over 95 years, General American Investors Company has employed fundamental security analysis in managing our portfolio of investments with the objective of long-term capital appreciation. The Company is a closed-end fund whose common and preferred shares are listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

What is General American investors company (GAM)?

The General American Investors Company, Inc. ( NYSE : GAM) is a closed-end fund that manages a global portfolio of investments, consisting mainly of United States securities, and also some international and private securities.

When did General American investors start?

The General American Investors investment trust was launched in 1927 under the sponsorship of Lazard Frères and Lehman Brothers. In its first year of operation, it earned $1.1 million. In September 1928, Lazard Frères and Lehman Brothers launched a second fund, named the Second General American Investors Company.

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